How Villages For The Homeless came to be:
![Pond at Tiger Bay](images/pond.jpg)
In late 2006 and early 2007 urban designer and social policy analyst Michael E. Arth proposed that “Tiger Bay Village,” a village for the homeless, be built on county–owned land in Volusia County off Red John Road, three miles west of I–95 near Daytona Beach. This location, buttressed by an existing complex of county services, is currently earmarked for expansion of the county jail.
Considerable media attention followed this rollout, but there was resistance from some of the existing homeless agencies and the idea languished for almost two years. In late 2008, after Daytona Beach neighborhood activist Chris Daun had helped spark a revival of interest in the plan, a donor (who wishes to remain anonymous) stepped forward to finance this website and pledge her entire estate in her will toward building the village. Since then, a number of interested persons have come forward to help push the idea forward. There has also been interest from people in other counties who want to try this in their area.
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What people have to say about Villages For The Homeless:
![Michael E. Arth at Tiger Bay Canal](images/michael_canal.jpg)
I have been so inspired and touched... that you may ask me, ‘What part
will you play, where do you fit into this design?’ I am changing my
revocable trust in order to put Villages for the Homeless as
beneficiary for this project to take root. Together in the spirit of
unity and determination we will see this dream come to fruition. Will
you join me in any capacity you can for this Great Cause?
– This anonymous donor has generously and graciously pledged her entire estate to Villages for the Homeless
I've worked in helping the homeless and most vulnerable citizens in
Volusia County for the past 30 years. As Executive Director of
Serenity House, I administer programs that help over 1,200 high risk
individuals with substance abuse and mental health disorders become
productive, contributing members of our community. For the past two
years, I have worked with Michael E. Arth in developing creative
strategies to address the complex issues related to homelessness. I
have great respect for Mr. Arth's personal and professional
commitment in developing cost–effective and intelligent strategies,
such as the homeless village, and pledge to work closely with the
community in creating a successful project. We must recognize that it
literally ‘takes a village’ to successfully address the multi–faceted
issues of homelessness, especially as it relates to chronic homelessness.
– Randy Croy, Executive Director, Serenity House of Volusia Inc.
We desperately need a place for the chronically homeless who, because
of substance abuse and mental illness, are unable to function in society. I fully support the village model.
– Linda Brown, volunteer director of Agape clubhouse First United Methodist Church
(food services for the homeless) and nurse at Stewart Marchman ACT (behavior and health services).
The Tiger Bay Village concept is the only viable solution to the regional homeless issue as it addresses the chronic homeless population that the other present proposals and social service agencies do not.
Built in phases, it will deliver much needed services to many more clients at a much reduced rate than the other options presently being used, if even available. Instead of ignoring the problem, it provides a compassionate solution for those presently ignored by the system in place.
It also spreads the responsibility equally, instead of this burden resting solely on the shoulders of Daytona Beach and DeLand to provide homeless services for all of Volusia and Flagler counties.”
I am glad to see this collaborative effort take place amongst all of the agencies in our region that we support with our tax dollars and private donations.
– Chris Daun, Uptown Daytona Neighborhood Association
It is with great pleasure that I provide a letter of support for the Tiger Bay Village as conceptualized by Michael Arth. This concept would not only allow adult homeless individuals an opportunity to
rebuild their lives while receiving much needed services but would also afford them a structured environment akin to a community setting. These individuals would also have hands–on learning experiences and
earning capacity onsite. The concept would be a complement to the Homeless Coalition program and Chamber Homeless Plan which can better serve the community/county by providing services to homeless families in need.
The Tiger Bay Village is deserving of the full support of the County Council and the area municipalities. Homelessness is a countywide problem which most citizens recognize, and it requires a countywide solution.
Tiger Bay Village can not only help with our homeless concerns but can also serve as a model for other areas around the state and nation with similar issues. Please give your support to the Tiger Bay Village – Homeless concept.
With great hope and expectations for our community and future, thanks to the support of all of us working together...
– Gwen Azama–Edwards, Former City Commissioner, Zone 4/ Retired City Clerk – The City of Daytona Beach
President/CEO, A-E Enterprises, Inc. / TRUTH Radio Talk Show Host
How to contact us:
Please feel free to email us at
Our mailing address is:
Villages for the Homelessc/o Michael E. Arth
302 S Hayden Avenue
DeLand, FL 32724
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